Written by Ivana Ćuk,

President and Founder of EDUFONS – Center for Lifelong Education


At its session in early December 2022, the Government of Serbia adopted the Circular Economy Development Programme in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2022 to 2024, as a complex and comprehensive document that defines the areas of waste management, water, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

This document defines the priorities for the next three years and lays the groundwork for the further development of the circular economy and the creation of a stimulating environment in Serbia.

What does this program bring to young entrepreneurs in Serbia?

– The program, among other things, defines measures and mechanisms to support businesses in waste management, recycling, and renewable energy use

One of the specific goals set out in the program includes government support to businesses in removing waste from the supply chain, recycling materials and components, switching to renewable energy, and extending the lifespan of their products.

– Green public procurement, education, local circular economy roadmaps

Other specific goals include encouraging the implementation of green public procurement and voluntary environmental protection instruments, supporting local governments in developing circular economy roadmaps, educating the media, schools, universities and consumers, and strengthening cooperation between the private and academic sectors on the use of innovation that supports a circular economy.

Serbia’s 2022-2024 Circular Economy Development Programme and its action plan for the three-year period as the foundations for further development of the circular economy can be an incentive for young people in Serbia to start businesses or turn around the existing business in the direction of the circular economy.

You can see the statement from the Government of the Republic of Serbia here.

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