New Skills Now: Inclusion in the Digital Economy. Accenture. 2017.
Key “Soft Skills” that Foster Youth Workforce Success: Toward a Consensus across Fields. Laura H. Lippman et al. ChildTrends. 2015.
The Age of Metapreneurship. Christopher-John Cornell. 2018.
High-Growth Firms: Facts, Fiction, and Policy options for Emerging Economies. Grover Goswami et al. World Bank. 2019.
Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs: A Review of Recent Literature. Kerr et al. 2017.
Key Soft Skills for Cross-Sectoral Youth Outcomes. Gates et al. USAID. 2016.
Framing the Global Landscape of Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programs. World Bank. 2013.
Taking Stock of Programs to Develop Socioemotional Skills: A Systematic Review of Program Evidence. Puerta et al. World Bank. 2016.
Guiding Principles for Building Soft Skills among Adolescents and Young Adults. Soares et al. USAID. 2017.
What Works in Soft Skills Development for Youth Employment? A Donors’ Perspective. Clare Ignatowski. The MasterCard Foundation and Youth Employment Funders Group. 2017.
Interventions to Improve the Labor Market Outcomes of Youth: A Systematic Review of Training, Entrepreneurship Promotion, Employment Services, and Subsidized Employment Interventions. Kluve et al. Cambell Systematic Reviews. 2017.
Measuring Soft Skills and Life Skills in International Youth Programs: A Review and Inventory of Tools. Galloway et al. USAID. 2017.
Measuring Entrepreneurial Mindset in Youth: Learnings from NFTE’s Entrepreneurial Mindset Index. Thomas Gold et al. NFTE. 2018.
An Ecosystem Model for Credentialing Entrepreneurs. Crawford et al. Acceleration Group and Global Center for Youth Employment. 2017.