CI-YOU is an Erasmus K2 Project. A Strategic Partnership involving 8 partners representing 7 countries developed in the period 2021-2023.
The Main Aim of the CI-You project is to help further improve the level of green business culture in Europe by providing the youth with knowledge and concepts in the field of the circular economy.


The experience of the creation of the Outputs 2 coworking between partners: IED, JUMP and Out of the Box International
By Erika Gerardini Project Manager, JUMP Team 26/01/2023 It took a lot of time preparing the kit of outputs composed by the “Circular Economy Business Model” and the “Training Curriculum” which is itself divided into Mircrostructure and Macrostructure. IED has been leading the process starting in August 2021 and ended in September 2022. Main goals of the IO2 have been: Utilize the key findings collected in IO1: ‘A-state-of-the-art analysis for the conceptualization of the ‘Circular

IO1: A state-of-the-art analysis for the conceptualization of the “Circular Economy Business Model”
Written by Ufuk Bal International Expert on Youth Mainstreaming, Out of the Box International 24/01/2023 Let’s present the first important results of the CI-YOU project. The starting point of the CI-YOU consortium was to develop and conduct a comprehensive desk research and compilation report including all actors in the thematic space of Circular Economy (CE). The research will further be the baseline and foundation for the CE Business Model and other outputs of the innovative

Squaring the circle, an article by JUMP Association
Written by Pietro Curatola, President and founder of JUMP, Project Manager 17/01/2023 Thanks to the EC experts involved by JUMP as a partner in the Erasmus Plus project entitled CI-YOU – Circular Economy Youth Leaders ( Prog. No. 2020-3-BE05-KA205-003110) and in particular thanks to the insights of Professor Umberto Triulzi (La Sapienza – Rome), I was able to learn of the existence of an important study paper produced by World Bank Group staff. “Squaring the

The concept of circular economy by MIITR
Written by Sara ZavernikMIITR Slovenia15/01/2023 The world’s population is growing. Along with the growing population (unfortunately) comes a growing demand for resources, which are limited. The extraction and use of the latter have a major impact on the environment, which is relevant for understanding the concept of a circular economy. However, in order to better understand the circular economy itself, it is necessary to define the phenomenon of the linear economy. The linear economy is

The Circular Economy Development Programme in Serbia until 2024 was adopted
Written by Ivana Ćuk, President and Founder of EDUFONS – Center for Lifelong Education 14/01/2023 At its session in early December 2022, the Government of Serbia adopted the Circular Economy Development Programme in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2022 to 2024, as a complex and comprehensive document that defines the areas of waste management, water, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. This document defines the priorities for the next three years and

State of development of Circular Economy in Cyprus
Written by Georgia NicolaouEU Project ManagerCenter for Social Innovation12/01/2023 Unfortunately in Cyprus there are no specific laws or regulations which deal with Circular Economy issues and there is a general lack of environmental policies and guidelines. However, Cyprus is under an obligation as a member state of the European Union, to comply with the European laws, and especially with the new draft EU Climate Law and the new Action Plan for a Circular Economy. The
The project produced 4 Intellectual Outputs:
- A-state-of-the-art analysis for the conceptualization of the ‘Circular Economy Business Model’
- The ‘Circular Economy Business Model’ and Training Curriculum
- Train the Trainers’ Manual
- E-Learning Platform (OER)
The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.
It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.
The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Project Leader
- Out of the Box International