Written by Sonia Simpatico, JUMP Team
Junior Project Manager

The project Ci-You “Circular Economy Youth Leaders”, funded by the Erasmus Plus program involves seven EU and non-EU countries; the association Jump – Gioventù in riSalto in fact represents Italy in a strategic partnership that includes other organizations from Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia.
The ambitious 24-month project aims to promote a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among young people and stimulate them to develop the skills needed in the circular economy through training and skills development courses.
In line wIth this objective, the first output realized, consists of an analysis of the state of the art of the current theme of circular economy that will be reported in a single document capable of summarizing the general European framework and particular of each of the countries represented by the partner organizations. In addition, it will be possible to appreciate a useful mapping of existing international good practices and the results of a survey administered to two different targets: young people (18-30 years old) and experts (university professors of economics and business, entrepreneurs and trainers).
The survey was conducted by each partner involved, interviewing a total of 120 young Europeans and 40 experts, including non-Europeans.
In Italy, the survey of young people showed that the need for training on the cornerstones of eco-sustainability (e.g. carbon footprint/energy consumption, water footprint, kilometers of supply chain, waste reduction rate …) is essential, while the survey of experts showed that leadership skills and the use of new technologies are among the weak points to be strengthened to shape successful entrepreneurs in this field.